Week 21 of Pregnancy

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: July 29, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.


Embarking on the incredible journey of pregnancy is like stepping into a world filled with awe-inspiring miracles. From the miraculous creation of new life to the profound bond between mother and child, this extraordinary chapter is a time of joy, anticipation, and boundless love. As you nurture the precious life growing within you, every day is filled with wonder and excitement. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to dive into a world where the magic of motherhood unfolds. Get ready to embrace the challenges, celebrate the milestones, and discover the sheer beauty of pregnancy in all its breathtaking glory. Let’s embark on this remarkable journey together, hand in hand, as we explore the enchanting realm of pregnancy and all its wonders.

Week 21 of pregnancy: An Overview

Welcome to the exciting milestone of Week 21 in your incredible journey toward motherhood! At this stage, your baby is growing and developing at a remarkable pace, bringing new and delightful surprises each day. As you marvel at the incredible changes happening within you, it’s time to embrace this chapter with joy and anticipation. From tiny fluttering kicks to an expanding belly that radiates the miracle of life, Week 21 marks a significant step closer to holding your precious bundle of joy in your arms. Let’s explore this week’s exploration, where we’ll uncover the wonders of your baby’s growth and provide you with essential insights to nurture both your well-being and your growing little one. Get ready to be captivated by the marvels of Week 21 and all the extraordinary moments it brings along! Also if you have any queries about previous 20 weeks of pregnancy you are just a click away!!

Baby’s development in week 21 of pregnancy

During Week 21 of pregnancy, your baby’s development continues to progress at a remarkable pace. At this stage, your little one measures around 10.5 inches (27 centimeters) in length and weighs approximately 12.7 ounces (360 grams). As you enter the second half of your pregnancy, let’s take a closer look at the exciting developments occurring within your baby’s tiny world:

  • Your baby is experiencing a growth spurt, and you may notice a significant increase in weight gain during this week. Their body is becoming more proportionate, with their legs now reaching a length that is closer to their final proportions.
  • Your baby’s senses are rapidly developing. Their taste buds are forming, and their sense of touch is becoming more refined as their nerve endings multiply. They can now perceive various sensations both inside the womb and outside.
  • As your baby’s digestive system matures, they are now able to swallow small amounts of amniotic fluid. This not only helps them practice swallowing and digesting but also aids in the development of their digestive organs.
  • Week 21 marks a crucial period for brain development. The intricate network of neurons in your baby’s brain is expanding, allowing for increased brain activity and connections. This development lays the foundation for their cognitive and sensory abilities.
  • Your baby’s eyebrows and eyelids are becoming more prominent. Although their eyelids are still fused shut, they will soon begin to flutter as their eyes continue to mature.
  • Up until now, your baby’s liver has been responsible for producing blood cells. However, in Week 21, their bone marrow starts taking over this crucial function, becoming the primary site for blood cell production.
  • Your baby’s movements are becoming more coordinated and purposeful. You may start feeling stronger kicks, jabs, and even somersaults as your little one explores their increasingly spacious environment.
  • A protective layer called vernix caseosa starts forming on your baby’s skin. This waxy substance helps to shield their delicate skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid and keeps it moisturized.

Woman’s body in week 21 of pregnancy

During Week 21 of pregnancy, your body continues to undergo remarkable changes to support the growing life within you. As you enter the second half of your pregnancy, here’s a detailed look at the transformations occurring in your body:

  • By Week 21, your baby bump is likely more noticeable and pronounced. Your uterus has expanded to about the level of your belly button or slightly above, making your pregnancy evident to others.
  • You may experience steady weight gain as your baby grows. On average, women gain about 1 to 1.5 pounds (0.5 to 0.7 kilograms) per week during the second trimester.
  • Your breasts continue to prepare for breastfeeding. They may feel fuller, tender, or even slightly swollen. Your nipples and areolas may darken, and you may notice small bumps (Montgomery’s tubercles) on the areolas, which serve as lubrication for breastfeeding.
  • As your baby bump grows, your center of gravity shifts, causing changes in your posture. This can lead to increased strain on your back, resulting in backaches. Practicing good posture, wearing supportive shoes, and doing gentle exercises or prenatal yoga can help alleviate discomfort.
  • Some women may start noticing the appearance of stretch marks during Week 21. These are pink, red, or purplish streaks that occur due to the stretching of the skin. Applying moisturizers and creams can help keep the skin hydrated and minimize their appearance.
  • You may experience an increase in vaginal discharge, which is normal during pregnancy. The discharge, known as leukorrhea, helps prevent infections and keeps the vagina clean. However, if you notice any unusual odor, itching, or irritation, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider.
  • Hormonal fluctuations continue to influence your body. These hormonal changes can impact your mood, energy levels, and even your hair and skin. Some women experience thicker, shinier hair, while others may notice changes in hair texture or oiliness.
  • The increased volume of blood circulating through your body to support the growing fetus can lead to various changes. You may notice slightly swollen ankles and feet, as well as occasional leg cramps. Elevating your legs, staying active, and wearing comfortable shoes can help alleviate these symptoms.
  • Many women experience a surge of energy during the second trimester, which can continue into Week 21. You may find yourself feeling more active and motivated to engage in daily activities and exercise routines.
  • Some women may start experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, which are mild, irregular contractions that help prepare the uterus for labor. These contractions are usually painless and sporadic. Drinking water, changing positions, and resting can help alleviate any discomfort associated with them.

Checklist for week 21 of pregnancy

Certainly! Here’s a detailed checklist for Week 21 of pregnancy to help you stay organized and ensure you’re taking care of your well-being and preparing for the upcoming weeks:

  • Prenatal Checkup: Schedule and attend your regular prenatal checkup with your healthcare provider. They will monitor your health, check your baby’s growth, and address any concerns or questions you may have.
  • Baby Registry: Start researching and creating a baby registry if you haven’t done so already. Consider the essential items you’ll need for your baby, such as clothing, diapers, feeding supplies, and nursery items. Share the registry with family and friends who may want to help prepare for your baby’s arrival.
  • Exercise and Stretching: Engage in regular exercise and stretching routines suitable for pregnancy. Consult with your healthcare provider or consider joining prenatal exercise classes or yoga sessions. These activities can help manage pregnancy discomfort, improve strength, and prepare your body for labor.
  • Healthy Diet: Continue to focus on a balanced and nutritious diet. Ensure you’re consuming adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables. Also include whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises: Incorporate pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, into your daily routine. These exercises strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowels. They can help prevent urinary incontinence and prepare your pelvic floor for labor and postpartum recovery.
  • Sleep Position: As your belly grows, it’s recommended to sleep on your left side to optimize blood flow to the placenta and baby. If you find it uncomfortable, try using pillows for support or consider using a pregnancy support pillow.
  • Skin Care: Take care of your skin to minimize stretch marks. Apply moisturizers or oils specifically designed for pregnant women to keep your skin hydrated. Avoid harsh chemicals or products that may irritate your skin.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that help you relax and reduce stress. Take time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, taking walks, or practicing meditation or deep breathing exercises.
  • Emotional Support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share your feelings and experiences. Pregnancy can bring about a range of emotions, and it’s important to have a strong support network to lean on.


As Week 21 of your pregnancy comes to a close, you’ve witnessed incredible developments in both your baby’s growth and your own body. From the rapid brain development and active movements of your little one to the visible changes in your baby bump and the nurturing care you’ve provided, this week has been filled with awe-inspiring moments. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being, attend prenatal checkups, and engage in self-care activities.

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