Week 20 of Pregnancy

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: June 27, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.


Bringing life into this world is a journey unlike any other—a symphony of emotions, transformations, and miracles unfolding within. Pregnancy, the gateway to motherhood, is a tapestry of anticipation, joy, and discovery. As the tender seeds of life take root within, a woman embarks on an extraordinary adventure, where every milestone brings wonder and every heartbeat sings a tale of new beginnings. In this captivating article, we dive deep into the mystical realm of pregnancy, unraveling its secrets, and celebrating the incredible strength and beauty of the human body. So buckle up, dear readers, for a journey that will enlighten, inspire, and touch your very core, as we explore the marvelous masterpiece of pregnancy, where two hearts beat as one.

Week 20 of pregnancy: An Overview

Welcome to the halfway point of the awe-inspiring journey of pregnancy! Week 20 marks a pivotal milestone where both expectant parents and their precious little one find themselves at the epicenter of wonder and excitement. As the baby continues to grow and flourish within the protective cocoon of the womb, a world of incredible transformations and discoveries unfolds. In this remarkable article, we invite you to explore the enchanting realm of week 20, where the mother’s radiant glow matches the growing joy within. From tiny kicks that become playful dances to the growing sense of anticipation, we embark on an exploration of this magical juncture, where dreams take shape and love knows no bounds. So, grab a seat and prepare to be captivated as we delve into the wonders of week 20, a breathtaking chapter in the symphony of pregnancy. To know more about previous weeks of pregnancy just click here.

Baby’s development in week 20 of pregnancy

During week 20 of pregnancy, your precious little one continues to amaze and delight with their rapid growth and development. At this point, they are approximately the size of a banana, measuring around 6.5 to 7 inches (16.5 to 17.8 centimeters) from crown to rump and weighing about 10.6 ounces (300 grams). Let’s take a closer look at the intricate developments occurring within the womb during this fascinating stage.

One of the most thrilling milestones of week 20 is the emergence of a fully formed and active sensory system. Your baby’s taste buds are now developed, allowing them to distinguish different flavors based on the amniotic fluid they swallow. They may even display a preference for certain tastes, which can influence their future food preferences.

Their hearing is also becoming more refined as the delicate bones in their ears harden. Your little one can now hear sounds from both within the womb and from the outside world. They may be captivated by the rhythm of your voice, the soothing melodies of music, or the gentle sounds of nature around you. It’s a beautiful time to bond with your baby through conversation and lullabies.

As your baby’s brain continues to mature, they are developing more specialized neural connections, allowing for increasingly complex thoughts and movements. Their sense of touch is well-developed, and they may explore their surroundings by touching their face, grabbing onto their umbilical cord, or even giving themselves a gentle caress.

In terms of physical growth, your baby’s body is becoming more proportionate. Their limbs are elongating, and their tiny fingers and toes are now fully separated. With the development of tiny nails, they may even scratch themselves gently. Their skin, once translucent, is now becoming thicker and less transparent, gradually taking on a more opaque appearance.

Moreover, your little one is beginning to practice the skills they will need after birth. They engage in a delightful activity known as the “startle reflex,” where they may suddenly move or jerk in response to loud noises or sudden movements. These reflexes help strengthen their muscles and prepare them for life outside the womb.

At this stage, your baby’s sex organs have developed to a point where an ultrasound can typically determine their gender. However, it’s important to note that individual variations may occur, and sometimes, it may be challenging to get a clear view during the scan.

Woman’s body in week 20 of pregnancy

As you reach the halfway mark of your pregnancy, your body has been undergoing remarkable changes to accommodate the growing life within. Week 20 brings with it a myriad of transformations and experiences unique to this stage of pregnancy. Let’s explore the intricate developments occurring within your body during this significant time.

One of the most noticeable changes you may observe is the blossoming of your baby bump. By week 20, your uterus has expanded to about the level of your belly button or slightly above. As your baby continues to grow, your abdomen becomes more rounded, and your pregnancy becomes more evident to the world around you. Embrace this beautiful transformation as a visible testament to the miraculous journey you are embarking upon.

Alongside your expanding belly, you may also experience changes in your breasts. They have likely become larger and tenderer since the beginning of your pregnancy, preparing for the upcoming role of breastfeeding. As your body readies itself for nourishing your little one, your breasts may start producing a yellowish fluid called colostrum, which is rich in antibodies and vital nutrients for your baby’s early days.

During week 20, you may notice an increase in your energy levels and an overall sense of well-being. The second trimester is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy, as many women experience relief from early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and fatigue.

However, it’s important to note that pregnancy symptoms can vary greatly from woman to woman. Some may continue to experience mild discomforts, such as backaches, indigestion, or constipation. If any of these symptoms become severe or persistent, it is always advisable to consult your healthcare provider for guidance and support.

As your baby grows, the expanding uterus may exert pressure on your internal organs, including the bladder. This can lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom as your body works diligently to remove waste and maintain a healthy environment for both you and your baby.

Additionally, you may notice changes in your skin and hair during this time. Some women experience a healthy glow due to increased blood flow, while others may experience changes such as darkening of the skin in certain areas, known as the “mask of pregnancy” or melasma. Hormonal fluctuations may also affect the texture and thickness of your hair, resulting in a fuller, lustrous appearance.

Besides, as your body continues to produce the hormone relaxin, your ligaments and joints become more flexible, preparing your pelvis for childbirth. While this is a natural and necessary process, it can also lead to increased susceptibility to joint pain or discomfort. Engaging in gentle stretching exercises or prenatal yoga can help alleviate these symptoms and promote overall flexibility and strength.

Checklist for week 20 of pregnancy

Here’s a checklist of important things to consider and accomplish during week 20 of pregnancy:

  • Schedule your anatomy ultrasound: Week 20 is an ideal time for an anatomy scan, which provides a detailed assessment of your baby’s development, including their organs, limbs, and overall growth. Consult your healthcare provider to schedule this important diagnostic test.
  • Discuss pregnancy milestones and concerns with your healthcare provider: Take this opportunity to have a comprehensive discussion with your healthcare provider about your pregnancy progress, any concerns or questions you may have, and any necessary follow-up appointments or tests.
  • Plan your maternity leave: If you’re employed, start considering your maternity leave options and discuss them with your employer. Review your company’s policies regarding leave, benefits, and any necessary paperwork to ensure a smooth transition during this period.
  • Attend prenatal classes: Enroll in prenatal classes to gain knowledge and skills that will support you during pregnancy, labor, and early parenthood. These classes cover topics such as childbirth techniques, breastfeeding, infant care, and postpartum recovery.
  • Practice self-care: Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as prenatal yoga, meditation, or gentle exercises recommended by your healthcare provider. Take time for yourself, indulge in hobbies you enjoy, and maintain a balanced diet to support your health and that of your baby.
  • Consider childbirth classes: Research and enroll in childbirth education classes that align with your preferred birthing method or philosophy. These classes can provide valuable information, techniques, and support to prepare you for the birthing process.
  • Continue regular prenatal check-ups: Attend all scheduled prenatal appointments and follow the recommendations of your healthcare provider regarding necessary tests, vaccinations, and screenings. This ensures the well-being of both you and your baby throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.

Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and your healthcare provider may have specific recommendations tailored to your circumstances. Always consult with them for personalized guidance and advice.


In conclusion, week 20 of pregnancy marks a significant milestone filled with wonder and progress. As you stand at the midpoint of this incredible journey, both your baby and your body have been undergoing remarkable transformations. The anatomy ultrasound provides an opportunity to witness the intricate development of your baby, from their tiny fingers and toes to their growing sensory abilities. This is a time to embrace the physical changes within your own body, as your baby bump becomes more prominent and your breasts prepare for breastfeeding. It’s important to prioritize self-care, nurturing both your physical and emotional well-being through activities such as prenatal classes, gentle exercise, and moments of relaxation.

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