Zinc for Pregnancy

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: December 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.


Pregnancy is no doubt one of the most important and life-changing stages of a woman’s life. A woman carries a baby for whole 9 months in her womb. A new life comes into the world and this is no less than a miracle. But this stage of a woman’s life needs a lot of care and attention because minor negligence can cause severe problems.

During pregnancy a woman’s body can’t just rely on some of the nutrients it gets from daily food. It needs a considerable extra amount of nutrients for the proper growth of the baby. If it fails to get these nutrients, it can result in growth deficiencies, malnourished or premature growth, disorders, or even miscarriages.

Are you feeling worried because you haven’t thought like that? No need to. Because now we are lucky enough to get every information that we need with a single click. One such nutrient which is vital for proper fetus growth during pregnancy is pregnancy zinc. The human body can’t make zinc on its own so we need to get it from outside in the form of food or other supplements that contains zinc.

Keep on scrolling to know every detail you need related to pregnancy zinc and to carry out a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Importance of zinc

The human body needs all the nutrients in a balanced amount. Some nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, iron, Vitamin B-12, etc. are needed in abundance whereas some nutrients i.e. zinc, iodine, magnesium, etc. It doesn’t mean at all that minerals that are needed in trace amounts are not of enough importance.

Zinc is needed in our body in a very small amount but it has big roles to play especially in pregnancy zinc has a vital role to play. During pregnancy the need for zinc in a woman’s body is increased because of the following reasons:

  • Zinc is needed for the proper growth of cells of the growing baby.
  • Zinc is also needed for the production and functioning of DNA. DNA is the main building block of the human body and any disruption in the array of DNA can cause serious disorders.
  • Zinc is used to produce energy in the baby’s body and for the proper development of its brain.
  • During pregnancy, a woman’s body is going through as many changes as we can count. All these changes affect the immune system, senses (taste and smell), and healing process. Zinc helps to maintain the proper functioning of body systems.
  • Lack of zinc in the body can cause low-birth weight, prolonged delivery, and other complications during labor.
  • Zinc helps in the synthesis of protein.
  • The body’s need for zinc increases manifolds during the lactation period as well.
  • Pregnancy zinc helps to strengthen the immune system of the mother which helps in successful resistance against infections and germs.

Unfortunately, our body has no inbuilt system to produce or synthesize zinc on its own. But, it’s nothing to worry about. Want to know why? Because there are many other ways to get zinc from. Several foods provide us with the amount of zinc needed for our body. Still, if your body’s need is not fulfilled you can always try supplements.

sources of pregnancy zinc:

  1. Beef roast
  2. Chicken roast
  3. Low-fat yogurt
  4. Low-fat or no-fat milk
  5. Kidney beans
  6. Pork Chops or pork loin (if allowed in your religion)
  7. Cereals that are specially fortified with zinc (better it be oatmeal)
  8. Pasteurized cheddar and mozzarella cheese
  9. Peas (cooked or raw)
  10. Almonds and Cashews
  11. Prenatal supplements having traces of zinc (with your physician’s consultation)

All of these zinc sources are very easy to get and commonly found in every part of the world. To avoid any deficiency of zinc during pregnancy and to prevent further complications in your pregnancy, start taking these zinc sources as soon as you find out about your pregnancy.

Effects of zinc deficiency

Pregnant and lactating mothers need more amounts of zinc than others. They need to take extra care of their zinc intake to avoid certain complications which arise because of zinc deficiency. Have a look at these complications:

  • Zinc deficiency in the mother results in impaired fetal growth
  • Maternal zinc deficiency negatively impacts placenta formation
  • Maternal zinc deficiency results in the ineffective transport of iron to the growing baby through the placenta. Subsequently, this iron deficiency causes defects in fetal growth.
  • Zinc deficiency can negatively affect oxidative stress in the placenta
  • Zinc deficiency in the pregnant and lactating women can cause blood pressure problems
  • Zinc deficiency can also affect the immune system of the woman and can cause infections.

Can you see how important this mineral is for the proper functioning and growth of our bodies? Although you need a very little amount of zinc but never ever ignore its intake. It can become a serious troublemaker. Make sure to get an optimal amount of zinc on daily basis, particularly while you are pregnant.

The takeaway

Concluding our whole discussion, we can say that pregnancy is all about taking care of your diet and your body. Never take your supplements, your diet, and your lifestyle for granted when you are pregnant. Zinc is comparatively needed in small amounts but it is as vital as getting your iron supplements. Pregnancy zinc can cause serious problems for you and your baby and you need to take care that your body never gets deficient in it.

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