Symptoms of The 4th Month of Pregnancy

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: October 25, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Being pregnant can be overwhelming. It’s a life-changing occurrence for a woman, especially if you’re a first-timer.

A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during the course of pregnancy. She has to completely change her lifestyle, including routine activities, eating habits, sleep patterns etc. 

In this article, we are going to cover pregnancy symptoms in the fourth month.

In the medical world, pregnancy is categorized into Trimesters (each consisting of three months). The Fourth Month is when the Second Trimester begins

This month is considered as the ‘Golden Period’ because most of the unpleasant symptoms of early pregnancy disappear. The mother and her baby are in for a joyous ride as they’re headed into a phase of rapid growth.

Most Common Symptoms of the Fourth Month

  • Maternal Instincts

During the fourth month, your femininity takes precedence over your generic personality.

You’re a soon-to-be mom, right?

The desire to prepare for the baby’s arrival seems like the only thing you want to invest your energy in. It also brings out the best in you such as organizing skills, perfectionistic approach, protective behavior towards your family, and so on.

  • Food Cravings

During the fourth month, you may experience weird cravings which you normally wouldn’t have.

It happens because you have been too sick in the early months to enjoy a good meal until now.

Have you started craving for pickles and spicy food or suddenly developed a sweet tooth?

Don’t worry, it’s quite normal.

You went through a long period of morning sickness in the first trimester. Your belly is ready to get filled now. Remember though, eat whatever you feel like but in moderation. Don’t give in to unhealthy cravings no matter how much you yearn for it.

  • Baby Bump Popping Out

During the fourth month, your fetus starts to grow rapidly.

The uterus is the size of a cabbage by the end of the month and may appear bloomed just below your belly button. Although it’s not much visible at this stage, but you actually feel like being pregnant physically.

  • Enlarged Sore Breasts

During the fourth month, you may experience sore, tender and swollen breasts. More often than not, these symptoms are also coupled with mild pain in the breasts.

It happens because your body is flooded with pregnancy hormones, Estrogen and Progesterone, which cause your skin to stretch.

The breasts enlarge due to the development of milk glands. They also develop sensitivity to touch, specifically around the nippular area.

  • Skin Sensitivity

During the fourth month, you may become sensitive to sunlight, heat or even detergents. 

It happens because your body produces raging hormones, again, to stretch your skin. It is trying to make room for your baby to grow in size. 

The increased amount of Estrogen, Progesterone and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin can also make your skin look flushed, strengthening the myth of pregnancy glow. 

  • Stretch Marks

During the fourth month, stretch marks may appear on your belly, thighs and buttocks

You can’t magic it away as much as you want to, but keeping your skin moisturised can help reduce the itchiness or irritation. 

You’re in for a good news though, as these streaks gradually go away on their own, after the baby is born.

  • Shortness of Breath

During the fourth month, you may experience mild difficulty while breathing.

It happens when the uterus pushes your diaphragm against other organs. It shifts them around to make space for itself.

Another culprit is the Progesterone hormone. It expands your lungs to get oxygen in abundance, enough for you and your baby. That’s why it feels like shortness of breath, when actually it’s just more oxygen coming in.

  • Heartburn or Acid Reflux (Indigestion)

During the fourth month, the growing uterus presses against your stomach to give you the constant urge to throw up or frequent burps.

It happens because recurrent changes in body shape and hormone levels occur.

A few dietary and lifestyle modifications help prevent and relieve this symptom.

  • Varicose Veins

During the fourth month, you may experience veins bulging out of your skin.

It happens due to the pressure uterus applies to the large vein (inferior vena cava), which carries blood back to the heart from the lower half of your body.

It doesn’t cause any harm to the body during the process, but it may turn out to be discomforting.

  • Frequent Urination

During the fourth month, you might have to take frequent bathroom tours.

It happens because the uterus puts pressure on the bladder as your baby starts to grow by each passing day.

These tours are not as frequent as in later months, but your uterus wants you to get familiar with the phenomenon.

The Final Verdict

During pregnancy, the fourth month comes out as a sigh of relief. Although some uncomfortable symptoms still persist, but they are very mild in nature. You actually feel a boost of energy after an exhausting first trimester, which always kept you on your toes.

Enjoy it to the fullest while you can, and get ready for a bumpy, yet exciting ride ahead. 

After all, you’re taking part in the best creation of nature, a Little Human. You’re Chosen, You’re Blessed and it’s Worth It.


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