Symptoms Of Pregnancy During Period

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: November 21, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Can I be pregnant and still see my period? YES. But, technically, NO.

Come along. I will explain.

It is typical to experience periods like cramps and implantation spotting between 10 and 14 days of pregnancy. This spotting can last a couple of days, but it’s NOT your normal period. When the fertilized egg implants on the uterus lining, it can irritate the lining, which may cause spotting.

Although it’s only experienced by a third trimester of pregnant women, for somebody who typically experiences a lightweight flow, when pregnancy occurs – it’s easy to mistake implantation spotting for the regular period.

Other tell-tale signs of pregnancy also can be misappropriated as premenstrual syndrome(PMS). This include:

9 Signs of Pregnancy That Can Be Misappropriated as Premenstrual Syndrome

Mood Swings

As a menstruating woman, after you notice you’re feeling more anxious, happy, sad, or angrier than usual, the primary thing you think is, “oh, it’s almost time for my period.” However, mood swing is a common symptom of early pregnancy. This symptom might degenerate along the journey—which is why pregnant women are known to be more irritable.

Pregnancy or not, you must consult your doctor if you are feeling sad for an extended period. It might be an indication of depression.

Breast Pain and Tenderness

Breast sensitivity is common and present in both PMS and pregnancy. Pain, soreness, heaviness, and swelling often occur just before the period arrives. Hence, in early pregnancy, you would possibly keep thinking it is a period sign. In pregnancy, this symptom might persist until childbirth.


Feeling weak and tired before a period is normal. The hormone – progesterone is to blame for you feeling tired within the days leading up to your period. Still, this is often also an indication of pregnancy. Some women experience this only in their first trimester, while for others, it lasts for nine months.

Lower Back Pain

Changes in hormones can cause lower back pain before or during the menstrual period and early pregnancy.


Headaches are a giant giveaway pregnancy symptom within the first month, but women often overlook them. A report established that about 39 per cent of pregnant women experience headaches.

Although headaches may also be experienced during menstruation, menstrual migraines are common. However, headaches during pregnancy, amid fatigue and nausea, feel different. In some cases, headaches could indicate other health problems, so it’s better to consult your doctor.


Nausea tends to make one feel pregnant, especially for women who experience it at the start of their menstrual period. Nausea and vomiting aren’t typical PMS symptoms, but some women experience them. This clash can cause them to overlook this symptom in early pregnancy for the first few days.


Premenstrual syndrome cramps and early pregnancy cramps feel similar. The sole difference is that pregnancy cramps last longer – from weeks to months.

Constipation and Loss of Appetite

Hormonal fluctuations can result in constipation and lack of appetite in women during pregnancy or PMS. You will be relieved once your period starts for PMS, but if you’re pregnant, constipation will probably be present in your first and second trimesters.


This is usually more pronounced in pregnancy, but it is also present in PMS. Many ladies with PMS experience a craving for sweet or fatty foods before their period. This craving isn’t loud enough to be noticed during the first month of pregnancy and may be easily overlooked, except if you crave non-food items like chalk and sand. Pica is a phenomenon synonymous with pregnancy.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

These signs might signify early pregnancy, but they are not foolproof. The most effective way to know for sure if you’re pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test – correctly or visit a doctor.

Symptoms that signal pregnancy are:

Missed period

A missed period is the most obvious sign that you are pregnant. It is noteworthy that not all missed periods are because of pregnancy. It is often because of stress or low body weight if you haven’t been sexually active for some months before you miss a period. If implantation spotting is mistaken for a regular period, the subsequent sign is…


Nausea and vomiting when recently sexually active is an early sign of pregnancy. It always starts around the 9th week and might last through the pregnancy period.

Changes to the areola

Suppose the areola starts getting darker and grows in size, or the Montgomery glands – the glands around the nipple, on the areola (they are like bumps) become noticeable. In that case, this is a significant sign of pregnancy.

Increased Urination

Due to the amount of blood within the body increasing because of pregnancy, pregnant women often find themselves urinating more often than you always do. So, if you notice you’ve been frequenting the restroom more often than normal, you must check for pregnancy.

Bland taste

If you have a very sensitive taste bud, you may notice a metallic taste in your mouth. It makes everything you eat taste bland.


Feeling lightheaded, together with headaches, are common signs of pregnancy. If you experience a heavy blood flow and later discover you are/were pregnant, you must see a doctor immediately as this may be due to many things:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Infection
  • Molar pregnancy
  • Miscarriage

Symptoms of pregnancy during periods can be easily determined if you know what to look out for, or just get that pregnancy test done.

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