Pregnancy Symptoms For The 16th Week

  • By: moaid123
  • Date: October 24, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Pregnancy is a long journey of 9 months or 40 weeks. Each month and each week brings something new with it. A woman’s body starts experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy right from week 1. As time passes by the pregnancy symptoms keep on getting stronger and are somehow difficult to manage in a few cases. As the woman’s body changes, so as the baby keeps on changing inside the womb. This whole journey of pregnancy is sometimes a very challenging yet very beautiful phase of a woman’s life.

Today in this article we are going to have a look at the symptoms of the week 16th pregnancy. Week 16 marks the 4 months of pregnancy and it means you have already entered the second trimester. If you, yourself are pregnant you must have an idea why the second trimester is called the honeymoon phase of pregnancy. If you haven’t yet experienced we will tell you this later in the article.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the toughest and most sensitive phase. Minor inconveniences can cause severe complications. Besides, it is accompanied by nausea, morning sickness, food aversions, vomiting, and cramping, etc. But, as second-trimester approaches and progresses, gradually all these symptoms keep on changing and new ones take their place.

Let’s have a look at the pregnancy symptoms of week 16 and how they are different from the first trimester’s symptoms.

Symptoms of week 16th pregnancy:

Always remember that all pregnancies are different from each other. Some women might experience only one or two symptoms out of these. Some might keep on experiencing the first trimester’s symptoms along with these. It’s different for almost every other woman. The symptoms of the week 16th pregnancy we are explaining here are some general symptoms that are common to most pregnant women.

Some of the symptoms of week 16th pregnancy are as follows:

  • Swollen gums: Gums that can bleed upon brushing or generally in the morning
  • Pain or cramps on one side of your abdomen: It is characterized by expanding womb and increased size of the uterus as the baby grows
  • Headaches
  • Weakness (especially if you haven’t eaten anything for more than 5 hours). As the baby grows woman’s body needs more calories to meet its needs.
  • Nose bleeding (specifically if you go out in the sun)
  • Constipation and bloating: Constipation is a byproduct of pregnancy. It’s the most common symptom among pregnant ladies which can continue throughout the whole pregnancy if not taken proper care of. It is also caused because of pressure on the organs in the abdomen.
  • Heartburn and indigestion: This symptom usually starts in the second trimester and can reach its maximum level in the third trimester. Heartburn is also caused because of the growing uterus and crowding in the abdomen.
  • Sore breasts: Sore breasts are usually among the very first pregnancy symptoms. It starts from the 1st month and continues till the 9th
  • Cramping in legs: Cramping in the legs is because of gaining weight. Week 16 means you are just 4 weeks away from halfway through the pregnancy. You must have gained some weight which puts pressure on the legs.
  • Swollen hands and feet: This symptom of week 16th pregnancy is usually caused by extra water retention in the body. During pregnancy, our body needs more water than normal. This causes swelling in the hands and feet which goes away on its own ad is usually not harmful to the baby.
  • Urine tract infections (UTIs): UTIs are also a common symptom of pregnancy as a whole. It is caused because the vagina and urinary tract are more prone to infections during pregnancy. If the immune system fails to defend against the germs, it causes urinary tract infections.
  • Vaginal Infections: Vagina also needs special care during pregnancy. An increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy helps to keep it protected but it can still be vulnerable to infections.
  • Skin changes: If your skin feels greasy or oily. If you experience acne breakouts during the second trimester say thanks to the pregnancy hormones. They cause changes in the overall skin texture.
  • Changes in hair texture: Finally a pleasant symptom of the week 16th pregnancy is healthier and shinier hair. Increased iron intake and hormonal changes cause hair to grow healthier than before.
  • Increased appetite: Contrary to 1st trimester, the second trimester (starting from week 14) causes an increase in the appetite. These cravings and increased appetite are a result of a growing baby and improvement in nausea and morning sickness.

Other than these symptoms of week 16th pregnancy, there are some symptoms of the first trimester which some women keep on experiencing in the later weeks as well. These symptoms include:

  • Morning sickness
  • Weird food cravings
  • Elevated sense of smell
  • Mood swings
  • White vaginal discharge


Concluding the whole discussion, it’s safe to say that symptoms of the week 16th pregnancy are somehow manageable and not as grave as the first trimester. But, always remember that every pregnancy is different. You might feel all of the above-mentioned symptoms or you may not experience any single one of them. But usually, these are common to pregnant women who are in their 16th week of pregnancy.

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